Friday, August 9, 2013


Do you believe in inspiration?  I've had the feeling for awhile now (like a YEAR or TWO) that this is something I should be doing.  While I'm pretty sure the world doesn't need ANOTHER blogger, especially one that isn't a very good cook OR a good dresser OR a good housekeeper OR an especially good parent :) (shall I go on?) It's high time I make some changes in my life - and this is part of the journey.  

If I could rewind time, I would spend more time in the dirt and maybe find a way to make a living that way... While I admittedly don't have the BEST garden or flower beds, I think it's pretty safe to say I spend more of my free time than the average person tinkering in the dirt.

It's realistic that I am just talking to myself & Mom & Mr. T here... but for the random web traveler & fellow dirt nerd - I hope that you find I'm a little like you & we can share some ideas. Here we go!